Friday, July 13, 2012

Tips On Dealing With Long Distance Relationships

Everyone knows how frustrating to fall in love with someone who lives hundreds of miles away. Not being able to go on dates and get kissed or intimate with the person you love can sometimes make even those with strong hearts to question if there are effective ways in dealing with long distance relationships.

Long distance relationships surely take a lot of work. You always need to keep tabs on your partner and make sure that your partner's being faithful. Just this alone can almost make you lose your grip on sanity. You also need to keep your communication open or else you may end up having a break up.

However, these type of relationships really aren't that bad though. In recent studies, the Center for the Study of long distance relationships said that almost 3.75 million marriages are considered long distance relationships. The center's study also said that millions of college students are also involved in relationships where their partner is far away.

Now, to those who are involved and are trying to find ways how to deal with distance in a relationship in college, here are some things that can help you.

The very first thing you need in dealing with distance in a relationship is to make sure that both sides trust the other completely. Trust can help decrease or even eliminate negative thoughts and feelings such as insecurity, jealousy, doubts and fears, which are the main reasons for break up.

There are many different ways on making sure that both sides trust each other completely. One such way is to avoid telling lies. No matter how small or insignificant the lie may be, make sure you prevent yourself from ever lying to your partner. Once you start to lie, and your partner finds out about it, then your partner will have a hard time believing in some of the things you tell him or her.

The second relationship help tip is for you to establish rules for your relationship. Now, when establishing rules in order to deal with your romance, you need to agree on how many times per day you need to call each other, what time you should contact each other, who you can go out with, when you can see each other, and stuff like that. You also need to establish a rule on how you can address the problems of your relationship.

If you establish ground rules for your relationship and follow them thoroughly, you can be sure that you'll be able to deal with your relationship and maybe even help make it grow into something much deeper and meaningful such as marriage.

Dealing with long distance relationships may take effort and time.It can get tiring and confusing from time to time. However, if you make rules and you trust each other completely, you can make it work. But these are only two of the many methods on how to deal with long distance relationship in college. There are still so many things that you need to learn in order to make your relationship work.

This news article is brought to you by PET-FRIENDLY-RENTALS - where latest news are our top priority.

Effective Tips for Managing Long Distance Relationship

Are you having a hard time keeping your relationship alive from a distance? Just your luck! You found a great person and you think that you're perfectly suited for each other. Everything should be perfect, except for one thing, this very special person lives hundreds of miles away from you. And as you may know, managing long distance relationship can be quite hard. There are a lot of things that you can't enjoy such as intimacy.

Now, if you are worried about how to make long distance relationship work, here's your chance to learn effective methods to dating long distance.

The first long distance relationship advice for you is to establish good and constant communication between you and your partner. Agree of when you should contact each other and how much time you need to spend talking to each other.

You also need to let each other know how many text messages you should send each other. You also need to establish which communication module you're going to use. Make sure you stick to your schedule and if you can't make it on that schedule, then tell your partner in advance.

The second way to make long distance relationship work is to meet each other at least once or twice per month or as often as you can. You can try to meet on a beautiful resort or in a lovely hotel, if you can. Also, be creative and be romantic when planning your next meeting. Another thing, make sure to avoid talking about past problems when you're together.

The third thing you need in managing long distance relationship is openness. This means that if you have a problem or if there's something bothering you about your partner, address it before you meet each other. When addressing your problems about your partner, deliver your piece in a calm way. Never confront your partner unless you can do it calmly. Now, if you're having problems keeping your emotions, it's best to listen to soothing songs and meditating.

Fourth, when trying to make long distance relationship work, you need to surround yourself with the most ideal support system. If you're the one who stayed, make sure you have enough time with your common friends and your family members. On the other hand, if you're the one who moved, create a group of friends from your place. Introduce them to your partner and make sure that your partner gets to know them and trust them. This way, your partner won't be worried whenever you're out with your friends or colleagues.

The fifth way of managing long distance relationship is by sending each other gifts. Send a bouquet of flowers or any gift that you think is romantic to your partner's office or home, at least once a month or at least during important occasions such as anniversaries or birthdays. You can also try sending gifts that you customized yourself. For example, gather a bunch of songs and upload them on an MP3 player and send it to your partner along with a love letter. This will surely make your partner's heart melt.

This article is sponsored by medical case study.

Saturday, July 7, 2012

How To Deal With Long Distance Relationships

Long distance relationships are sometimes unavoidable. Many of us don't like them as the dealings with your partner are controlled by your partner. It is much more difficult to catch someone cheating on you long distance then if you lived close to each other. There is the constant fear that he may meet someone new or be tempted by some vixen in his area. And your contact with each other is short and so you have lots of time to imagine and fantasize about what could be happening to him without you. So how do you deal with a long distance relationship so that your love grows?

1. Agree on what you expect from each other. Assumption is the killer of many relationships. You both need to talk and agree on the type of relationship that you have and what it entails. Is it just a casual relationship until he gets back into town... and what does that mean? Is it okay for you to date other people and when you do date is it with your long distance relationship in mind or as an available single woman. Is your long distance relationship exclusive so that you are faithful emotionally and/or physically to one another... but can still casually date? There are so many relationship possibilities that you must define yours and agree on what it is and what each of you is required to do. Do not assume that he wants the same things as you do or that he is feeling what you are feeling or that he has the self control that you do.

2. Agree on what is a relationship breaker for each of you. You are both feeling human beings and attractive people will be a part of your life until you die so agree on what both of you cannot do in this relationship. If you do what is forbidden does it mean that the relationship is over or that you just try harder not to do it? Agree on what is realistic for both of you so that you don't frustrate each other.

3. Agree on the type and frequency of your communication. Communication is key in a long distance relationship and you should both commit to a regular communication schedule based on costs and your other commitments. There is nothing more frustrating than not knowing when you will talk to each other next. So minimize that for yourselves by agreeing on how, when and how often.

Relationships are based on trust and a long distance relationship often tests your trust in each other in new ways... but if handled properly it can be an excellent trust builder for both of you. When you agree on these 3 key issues then you will minimize mistrust in the long distance relationship.

This news article is brought to you by SAVING MONEY - where latest news are our top priority.

Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Long Distance Relationship Advice: What to Consider Before Making The Commitment

Relationships require a lot of work and distance makes it even harder which is why a lot of couples choose to just give it up. I admit that being in a long distance relationship is not easy but I believe that when two people really love each other, they are going to do everything to make it work. It all depends how much you want to make things work. Sure you can pick up a long distance relationship advice here and there but are you willing to compromise? Are you willing to put an effort to make the relationship work?

Before jumping into this kind of relationship or before you decide to go on with it, you and your partner should have a serious talk so you'll know if you share the same goals. If one of you does not want the same thing then the relationship is bound to fail. A relationship will not see the light of day if only one person cares enough or worst if the two people involved don't take things seriously. LDRs are not for people who just want to fool around. It's not something that will kill your boredom or something that will be better than not having someone at all.

Love and trust are a given requirement in any relationship but will they be enough? The answer is simply NO. There are a lot of things you need to consider if you want your relationship to survive. You have to figure out a plan and talk how much time you have to spend apart so the other person won't have to wait in vain. The most difficult part in being in a LDR is the uncertainty. You have to discuss this kind of stuff in all honesty and you always have to think what is the best thing to do for both parties involved. Having a plan is very important; it serves as a guide for whatever steps you need to take. Do you plan on getting married eventually? How long do you have to wait for you to be together? How often can you see each other? Do you have the money to see each other as often as you like? Don't go on with the relationship without clarity because this will definitely lead to a strain of frustration and disappointment.

Another thing to consider before engaging in a LDR is communication. While there are different modes of communication to choose from, it still boils down to making the effort to talk to each other every single day. The frequency and quality of communication with your partner should be substantially increased. Are you willing to pay for higher phone bills from now on? Are you willing to go the extra mile just to talk to your partner every night? If you are a little worried of the amount of money you would have to spend on communication, don't worry because there are cheap ways on how you can connect. Why not try Skype or Gtalk? They are free and all you need is a computer. If you want to call your special someone's phone then you can take advantage of the Skype monthly unlimited subscription. For less than $7, you can pick a country (where your partner resides obviously) and call them unlimited! I've been using it for two years now and it made life much easier for me. Talk to your partner and make it clear how often you need to talk. My boyfriend and I talk twice a day (morning and bedtime) and we never missed. Of course the frequency of your communication will all depend on your needs. The most valuable long distance relationship advice I can give you is to make sure that you don't let a day pass without hearing from each other. It's one of the most important things you can do to make the relationship work.

This news article is brought to you by LOVE - where latest news are our top priority.